Stories & Experiences

Take a deeper dive into the education and experience offered through CRLP

Celebrating our educator colleagues through storytelling

Humans, as relational beings, are connected through story. Celebrating our educator colleagues through storytelling lifts up examples of growth, self-reflection, and improvement as well as examples of resilience and perseverance. The CRLP at UC San Diego invites you to tuck into our monthly vignettes featuring our regional CRLP Teacher Leaders in order to gain an understanding of the CRLP culture of encouragement. Furthermore, each interview will highlight and bring to life aspects of CRLP’s five core values: Literacy, Equity, Leadership, Community, and Inquiry.
Our hope is that each of these stories will activate your empathy and compassion, your curiosity, and your motivation as an educator. While each entry will vary slightly in focus, all will leave you with something to consider in terms of your own story: a new instructional strategy, an expanded view on literacy, or a fresh outlook on leadership from the classroom. How can the CRLP at UC San Diego support you in those lifelong and ongoing revisions? Read on and find out more. We’re so very glad you’re here.